Thursday, December 13, 2007

week 10 # 23 / ending or beginning?

iHCPL was an interesting and rewarding experience. I have learned so many news things. Some I liked more than the other but overall, they are really fun, useful and wonderful.

Thru the journey, iHCPL has been an interesting and informative. I have discovered things like, Wiki, Technorati, Zoho … some things for me to play with, some to use or just to know … they are available out there. I have learned that I will probably never feel comfortable with My, ever be into Podcasts, or use Library Elf. I specially liked the Avatars, the Flicker ... and definitely I will be using the Downloadable Media more often.

It has been a learning curve; knowledge is always benefited, no matter what it is. I am always willing to learn new things. I am grateful for this experience. Big applauds for those who worked to bring the iHCPL together. Jobs well done!

Thank you!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Week 9 # 22 / Downloadable

The downloaded media is really interesting. I never downloaded a book before. Now it seems easy enough which I want to try sometime soon. The HCPL E-Branch has a good selection and it was easy to use too.

I liked Wowio. It has an attractive website. The search is simple and detailed book description is very impressive.
LibriVox is less attractive but it contains free audio-books from the public domain and can give readers many choices.

There were so much more items I found interesting on our Overdrive. It's such a great way that you can burn the media onto CDs to use them later on.

This has been by far the most valuable exercise I have. And I like it.

week 9 # 21 / podcasts

I have learned for anyone that owns an IPod or MP3 player must subscribing to
poscasts. And for the three suggested podcast directories and finding tools, I
found the is the easiest one to use and not requiring download any
additional files to play.
After all the exploration, I think I’m not going to use this much. It’s just
too overwhelmed but always nice to know it's available whenever you need it.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

week 9 # 20 / YouTube

I’ve been visited YouTube web site once a while. I think you can probably find anything on there that you are looking for. YouTube was fun. It was an easy to do and very enjoyable. But just like anything you do on the internet, be careful with your choices. There is one thing that I didn’t care much for was some of the comments used are offensive. I guess that is to be expected. Everyone has a right to their own opinion.

This afternoon, I’ve watched the Kenny G. - Have yourself a little Merry Christmas Video, it’s so sweet. I’ve enjoyed Charlie Brown – Christmas too, Linus explains what "Christmas is all about .... Christmas.”

I can spend all day just wonder around this website but I know I got to get up …

Thursday, December 6, 2007

week 8 # 19 / web based apps

I've found that Zoho Writer web based word processing application works just like MS Word does (in which I normally use.) I am able to import a picture, perform a spellcheck, even select an “emotion faces” from the toolbar. The biggest advantage from Zoho over MS Word is that you can save on the Internet rather than on your hard drive. In addition, this way lets you to work individual or collaborate on a project no matter when and where you are. Then you can share it or just keep it for yourself. Is it wonderful?

I certainly can see this web applications is a huge usefullness of documents and spreadsheets. Having documents available 24/7 online for you or others (your family, friends …) to look at or edit as needed could be very helpful and fastest way.

Zoho is a great tool. It was so easy to set up an account. By then it is ready for you to launch your next project. I do have alot of fun.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

week 8 # 18 / social networking

As a mother of 3 college students at one time, I’m familiar with these socialized web sites, MySpace, FaceBook,…. I did look at these pages for some time but never think I’ll create one myself.
Today I explored some more links like,,, … As much as I love my dog, I just can't see myself registering him on dogster, much less reading other entries.
The did gave me some interest but still not impressed enough for me to join the crowd. I rather pick up a phone for a chit chat or do lunch sometime with people I care about than sitting “alone” at home facing a monitor. Just wonder what’s next!