Monday, May 4, 2009

Pot Luck #57: TXT U L8R - Texting

Texting. It’s sure a new generation thing but it doesn't limit anyone, I think. I have done that.... many times to my kids and close friends. Usually I keep it's short, just want to say hi, happy b-day!, ... or some needed message and you have no way to write it down such as a phone number, an appointment date and time ... so simple like that, I do not use silly text as in Lingo 2 Word. Most of the phone has a preset message and it let you presetting yourself too.

One time while riding a bus to downtown, I play catch-up with my son by texting. You don't want to talk private in public, and time sitting on the bus can be long to ... forever. I'm so glad to have a way to make the trip shorter and the same time spending with people you love.

About texting while driving (even talking on the phone) I definitely against it. It’s not just danger to you but to somebody else as well. I do hope people realize it and be smart to not doing it, keeping the road safer.

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